We like to help Kiwis build their balance

We like to help Kiwis build their balance

With AA Smartfuel you’re one of thousands of Kiwis earning fuel discounts as they buy fuel and shop with retailers across the country. Building your balance is easy with when you shop at Hammer Hardware:
You save 2 cents per litre for every $20 you spend across any number of shops in-store at Hammer Hardware. The maximum AA Smartfuel discount applicable to a single transaction is $4 per litre*.

And there's more you can do with this super-smart programme.

  • When you fuel up at bp or GAS you might choose to take the cents per litre discount straight away. But better still, save the discount and build up your balance for a greater discount at another time.
  • Watch your balance of fuel discounts build to an even bigger amount by shopping at other participating retailers.
  • When it’s time for the big fill, make the most of it and redeem the balance off every litre of fuel at bp or GAS (up to 50 litres).
  • Grow your discounts faster by linking cards with family and friends.
  • Keep track of your fuel discounts and manage your account with the AA Smartfuel app on online
  • You can even turn your balance into Qantas points for travel, hotels and more. Fight climate change by opting for CarbonClick. Turn your AA Smartfuel discounts into ChargeNet credits to help pay for your EV charge at any of ChargeNet's 280 charging stations nationwide. Convert your AA Smartfuel discounts into Uber gift cards and redeem them on the Uber app or Uber Eats app
  • Find out more at aasmartfuel.co.nz

*AA Smartfuel discounts are redeemable in a single fill up to a maximum of 50 litres. If you choose to redeem your AA Smartfuel Discounts via a Participating Fuel Redemption Party and your AA Smartfuel account balance is equal to or greater than the actual pump price advertised, you will receive the discount on the advertised price, up to 50 litres, and your AA Smartfuel account will reset to nil after your purchase.